Billions of people live on earth without a life-changing relationship with Jesus. Through Kingdom Builders, New Life plans to do everything in our power to tell them the Good News of Jesus from Nebraska to the ends of the earth.

2019 Kingdom Builders Projects

We have partnered with missionaries, churches, and other Jesus-focused organizations locally and around the world. Your faith-inspired generosity will change the eternity for many people and generations to come.

View Our Project Guide Book to Learn More About Our 2019 Partners:


Through Kingdom Builders we support missionaries in the four corners of the world, including Nebraska and other areas of the United States. We also support key missionary projects and send our own Global Outreach Teams to partner with them in this work. We are proud of our missionary team and the work they do to advance the kingdom of God.


Your Kingdom Builder dollars are supporting missionaries in the following regions. Some names are not published due to missionaries being located in very sensitive regions.

El Salvador
Kenton and Eunice Moody
South Asia
Name withheld
Central Eurasia
Names withheld
United States
Will and Angela Prusia (Teen Reach Adventure Camp)
Manuel and Tina Prabhudas
United States
Brady and Mary Cone (Calibrate Ministries)
Bryan and Misty Elliott
Nick and Olivia Puccini
United States-Midwest
Scott and Tricia Murrish (Royal Family Kids)
North Africa
Names withheld
South Africa
Name withheld
Name withheld
Brad and Shelly Foltz
United States
Shanon Kempt (Western Washington University)

Total Goal Amount:


Missionary Projects:

Missionaries have dreams and visions from the Lord that exceed their annual operating budget. Kingdom Builder dollars help support these projects and the objectives of our short-term Global Outreach trips.

Cuba Missions Trip Project
Goal Amount: $12,000

Convoy Of Hope
Goal Amount: $20,000
Alaska Missions Trips Projects
Goal Amount: $16,000
Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge
Goal Amount: $1,800
Speed the Light
Goal Amount: $5,000

Open Arms Crisis Center and Hope for Women
Goal Amount: $4,500



Through Kingdom Builders we support local church expansion. The local church is the hope of the world. God’s mission to build His Kingdom is only as strong as the local church. We want to see a life-giving church in every rural hub in the Midwest. We will plant churches where God calls us to and support others when God asks.

Future Campuses:

One significant part of New Life’s vision is to launch additional campuses in rural hubs in the Midwest. As a Kingdom Builder, you are bringing the life-giving message of Jesus to local communities. Our third campus will launch in Ogallala, Ne in the fall of 2019.
Goal Amount To Go Towards the launch of a New Campus in 2019: $150,000


Kingdom Builder dollars are being invested locally and around the state for spreading the Gospel.

Resilient Book
Goal Amount: $12.000
Community Outreach
Goal Amount: $8,000

Omaha Inner City Church
Goal Amount: $10,000


At Risk Kids and Teens:

New Life partners with Christian-based organizations committed to transforming the lives of the most vulnerable in our communities- our children and teens. Kingdom Builder dollars are supporting the following organizations: T.R.A.C. (Teen Reach Adventure Camps), CEF (Child Evangelism Fellowship), Royal Family Kids Camps, Todd Becker Foundation, and Care Portal.
Goal Amount: $12,800

Local Poverty:

New Life partners with Christian-based organizations and projects committed to addressing local poverty. Kingdom Builder dollars are supporting the following: Servant Projects, Crossroads Center, and Kearney Jubilee Center.
Total Goal Amount: $12,400

Through Kingdom Builders New Life will come alongside the next generation of Christian leaders to empower, inspire and equip them to fulfill God’s call on their life.

First-Time Global Outreach Trip Participants
Goal Amount: $20,000

Assemblies of God Ministry Degree Grant
Goal Amount: $3,000
Adult and Teen Challenge of the Midlands
Goal Amount: $2,400
New Life Leadership Institute
Goal Amount: $24,000
Fire Bibles
Goal Amount: $4,000

Nebraska District Campgrounds
Goal Amount: $10,000


How Do I Become A Kingdom Builder?

At New Life, we believe that every Christ-follower is called to be generous and tithe (10%) on their full income to their local church. Kingdom Builders giving is above and beyond our tithe, and is the generous and sacrificial giving that God lays on our heart to change the world.

If you are currently not giving to Kingdom Builders we invite you first to begin tithing then determine the amount above that for which God would have you give to Kingdom Builders. You can simply indicate the portion of your giving designated for Kingdom Builders on the offering envelope or in the online giving. No matter when you start giving to Kingdom Builders, we invite you to fill out the 2019 Kingdom Builders commitment card at the link below.

Together, we will change more lives for the cause of Jesus than we could ever do alone!

Complete the 2019 Commitment Card