- Call to Order
- Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting by the Secretary
- 2023 Journey Report
- Report of Treasurer
- Election of Officers (Deacons)
- New Business
- Resolution #1: “Plan of Merger with North Park Assembly”
- Resolution #2: “Bylaw Amendment: Membership Terminology, Responsibilities, and Processes”
- Resolution #3: “Constitutional Amendment: Terminology Alignment”
- Prayer
- Adjournment
New Life Assembly Annual Members’ Meeting
March 19, 2023 – 6:00 pm
Chairman Pastor Jeff Baker announced that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order at 6:14 p.m. and the North Platte campus joining the meeting virtually. Pastor Jeff opened with prayer and welcomed the new members who were added since the 2022 members’ meeting.
Pastor Jeff presented a gift card to the member present who has been a member of New Life for the longest number of years. Linda Standage was the recipient.
The chairman stated that the meeting will be hold to the standards according to Robert’s Rules of Order. He then called for a dividing of the house of voting members and non-members in attendance.
Secretary Ron Cone read the 2022 annual members’ meeting minutes. A motion was made to accept the previous year’s minutes as present. M/S/C.
Pastor Jeff presented the 2022 Journey Report and stated the value of the report and that our core values hold us to our mission. He expressed that as a member, there is an expectation to live out our core values.
Seekers Find God – to stay hungry for God and encouraged members to set the passion level
Saved People Find People – to keep inviting people and to find a fresh circle to invite others
Growing People Change – to see transformation in our lives; grow yourself; grow others
We are Better Together – to be a part of a life group, to spur one another to love and good deeds, to create community
Everyone Has a Gift to Share
You Can’t Outgive God
Treasurer Terry Gerdes presented the financial report and thanked Financial Secretary Raeanna Mitchell and Executive Pastor Chris Puccini for their help. He highlighted the historic Kingdom Builders giving in 2022. A motion was made to accept the financial report. M/S/C
Secretary Ron Cone presented Resolution #1 Constitutional Amendment “Annual Membership Commitment Renewal” and moved to dispense with the reading of the resolution. M/S/C. Secretary Ron Cone entertained a motion for the adoption of said amendment. Motion seconded by John Sahling. Pastor Jeff opened the floor for discussion. No discussion was brought forth. Chairman Pastor Jeff Baker called for a motion to approve Resolution #1 and to vote by signifying “Aye” and those opposed with “No”. The amendment was passed by the membership.
Resolution #1: “Annual Membership Commitment Renewal”
Constitutional Amendment
Through the leadership of the Holy Spirit, New Life has grown to three physical campuses with a vision to plant more,
And Whereas,
With continued growth, we are experiencing an increased challenge in preserving the value of membership and in maintaining an accurate roster of active members,
And Whereas,
Reviewing the role of membership and renewing a commitment annually is of spiritual value, creates practical accountability, and brings a personal and meaningful moment of alignment around the common values, beliefs, behaviors, and shared responsibilities,
And Whereas,
A membership commitment renewal will assist in the ongoing promotion of membership by intensifying the unified commitment among members,
Be it resolved that…
Constitution, Article VI. Membership, Section 2. Voting Membership
Which Reads:
All those who meet the scriptural standards for membership, whose names appeared on the original membership roll of the assembly at the time the assembly was first organized, together with those names that shall be added from time to time, shall constitute the legal voting membership of the assembly, provided they are 18 years of age or over, that they regularly attend and take part in the services, that they are living consistent Christian lives and are in agreement with our distinctive testimony.
Membership shall be available for young people under 18 years of age who give evidence of the new birth, having received Christ as personal Savior, and who meet the usual qualifications for membership established by this assembly. They shall have voting privileges at 18 years of age.
Be amended to read:
All those who meet the scriptural standards for membership, whose names appeared on the original membership roll of the assembly at the time the assembly was first organized, together with those names that shall be added from time to time, shall constitute the legal voting membership of the assembly, provided they are 18 years of age or over, that they regularly attend and take part in the services, that they are living consistent Christian lives, are in agreement with our distinctive testimony, and renew their membership commitment annually by December 31st each year, which is required to maintain membership status for the following calendar year. The annual membership commitment renewal period opens during the final quarter of the year.
Membership shall be available for young people under 18 years of age who give evidence of the new birth, having received Christ as personal Savior, and who meet the usual qualifications for membership established by this assembly. They shall have voting privileges at 18 years of age.
And be it further resolved that…
Constitution, Article VI. Membership, Section 3. Inactive Membership
Which reads:
Enrolled members who shall without good cause absent themselves from the services of the assembly for a period of three consecutive months or more, or who cease to contribute of their means to its support, or who may be out of harmony with its teachings, or who shall be under charges of misconduct, or who may have fallen under condemnation through sinful or worldly practices, shall be considered as inactive members and shall lose their voting privileges until they are restored to the fellowship, their standing to be settled by the definite action of the assembly through its elected officers.
Be amended to read:
Enrolled members who shall without good cause absent themselves from the services of the assembly for a period of three consecutive months or more, or who cease to contribute of their means to its support, or who may be out of harmony with its teachings, or who shall be under charges of misconduct, or who may have fallen under condemnation through sinful or worldly practices, or who do not renew their membership commitment, shall be considered as inactive members and shall lose their voting privileges until they are restored to the fellowship, their standing to be settled by the definite action of the assembly through its elected officers.
Secretary Ron Cone presented Resolution #2 Constitution, Article VI. Membership, Section 2. Voting Membership and moved to dispense with the reading of the resolution. M/S/C. Secretary Ron Cone spoke to the resolution and then entertained a motion for the adoption of said amendment. Motion was seconded by Craig Bennett. Pastor Jeff opened the floor for discussion. After answering questions brought forth and discussion, Chairman Pastor Jeff Baker called for a motion to approve Resolution #2. The amendment was passed by the membership.
Resolution #2: “Annual Membership Commitment Renewal and Roster Update Process”
Bylaws Amendment
An annual membership commitment will assist the spiritual leaders of our church administratively and relationally,
And Whereas,
The bylaws define the responsibility of the board of deacons and the “pastor”, which is understood to mean the lead pastor, to maintain the membership roster, and currently do not list some common reasons necessitating revision, such as relocation, as well as the need to update the membership roster following the annual membership commitment,
Be it resolved that…
Article III., Membership, Section 5
Which reads:
The pastor and board of deacons shall be authorized to revise the membership roll of the assembly and to remove from the list of active members names of those who may have become deceased, together with the names of those who have fallen into sin and whose lives may have become inconsistent with the standards and teachings of the assembly. An appeal may be made to the board for reconsideration within 90 days of notification. (Matthew 18:15- 17; Romans 16:17,18; 1 Corinthians 5:1-5; 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15).
Be amended to read
The lead pastor and board of deacons shall be authorized to revise the membership roll of the assembly and to remove from the list of active members names of those who may have become deceased, those who have relocated or have otherwise requested to be removed from membership, those who do not renew their annual membership commitment, together with the names of those who have fallen into sin and whose lives may have become inconsistent with the standards and teachings of the assembly. An appeal may be made to the board for reconsideration within 90 days of notification. (Matthew 18:15- 17; Romans 16:17,18; 1 Corinthians 5:1-5; 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15).
Chairman Pastor Jeff Baker presented the following names for election of two deacon positions to serve a three year term: Rick Mitchell, Ed Uden and Thom Wolfgang. He stated that many members qualified to serve in this position and explained how the nominees were vetted by the deacon board with a 100% consensus. The election of deacon positions is determined by a simple majority. Ballots were distributed by appointed tellers to the members to cast their votes. Prayer was offered by Nancy Carlson before the membership cast their ballots.
Pastor Jeff challenged the membership through the scripture 1 Samuel 14:6-15 to “Take the Hill”. He said we should not be content with how the enemy is taking ground, but that nothing can hinder our God from building His kingdom. He encouraged the membership to find people, build bridges with others, keep knocking on doors and believing God.
The meeting was brought to a close with a song, and Pastor Jeff Baker announced that Rick Mitchell and Ed Uden had been elected to serve a three-year term respectively. He thanked Stan Smidt and Jason Whalen for their service for the previous three years. He expressed a special thanks to Thom Wolfgang for letting his name stand on the ballot and for his faithful serving on the North Platte Advisory Team. Prayer was given by Joe Hofer for the newly elected deacons.
Scott Murrish led a final prayer and the meeting was adjourned at 8:19 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Ron Cone
The nominating committee has nominated Patrick Waltemath, recommending his ratification and election to the board of deacons. The committee also recommends the election of Eric Picquet to a second term to the board of deacons. A term is for three years.
Patrick Waltemath BIO
Spouse: Debbie Waltemath – Host team member
Children: Derek – serves in children’s ministry – tech team
Past Ministry Involvement:
- Co-hosted and led life group
- Multiple GO trips individually and as a family
- Local New Life Outreach Events
- Host Team – Greeters
- Youth Ministry Leader
Current Ministry:
- Director of the New Life Kearney lobby host team
- President, Kearney area Habitat for Humanity
My wife and I have been members of New Life Church for 32 years. New Life has been our church, family, and support over the years. God has been growing my faith serving as the host team director. I love to see people flourish in their faith and grow spiritually when they get involved with ministry opportunities. My faith has been challenged and my relationship with God has grown deeper as I serve in ministry.
Eric Picquet BIO
Spouse: Jennifer Picquet – Director New Life Kids Nurser & Life Group Leader
Children: Kylee and Ashlynn
Past Ministry Involvement:
- North Platte Campus Advisor
- Tech/Production Director
- New Life Outreach Events
- Life Group Leader
Current Ministry:
- Deacon
- Tech/Production Team Leader
Jennifer and I attended the grand opening of the campus in North Platte. We quickly learned this was where God was calling us to be. New Life has helped us grow closer to Christ. Whenever we attend North Platte, Kearney, or Ogallala, we always feel we are at home. We’ve both served in different ministries over the years. I really enjoy watching people grow from a seeker to a follower. I enjoy just helping wherever I can be of use and it’s helped me to live out my faith even when it hasn’t always been the easiest.
Resolution #1: “Plan of Merger with North Park Assembly”
Whereas, the Lord has given New Life the vision of multiplying the impact of the Gospel through planting New Life campuses as He directs; And
Whereas, through much prayer and many months of interactions with The Assembly of God Church of Holdrege, Nebraska (dba North Park Assembly), God has opened an opportunity of a merger, to result in the launch of a New Life campus in Holdrege, Nebraska; And
Whereas, the board and pastors of New Life have done their due diligence in setting aside funds to begin a new campus, have examined the financial assets and liabilities of the new location, and listened intently for the leading of the Holy Spirit, resulting in an overwhelming positive affirmation of this opportunity; And
Whereas the official boards of both churches have approved the Plan of Merger and have recommended its adoption to its respective bodies through resolutions recorded in the minutes for each board; And
Whereas the voting body of North Park have voted and adopted this Plan of Merger; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That this church adopts the following Plan of Merger:
This plan of merger is hereby entered into this 21st day of January, 2024, between New Life Assembly, a Nebraska nonprofit corporation, and The Assembly of God Church of Holdrege, Nebraska, a Nebraska nonprofit corporation.
WHEREAS, the two nonprofit corporations desire to merge into the surviving corporation, New Life Assembly, which shall continue to operate under its present name.
WHEREAS, the parties have reached an understanding with respect to the merger.
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and agreements contained herein, the parties agree as follows:
- Approval. The plan of merger shall be submitted for approval and adoption to the board of directors and members of New Life Assembly and The Assembly of God Church of Holdrege, Nebraska at separate meetings. Upon approval and adoption by both of the board of directors and members, this plan of merger shall be executed and articles of merger shall be filed with the Nebraska Secretary of State with the merger to be effective as of 12:01 am, April 1, 2024.
- Continued Corporate Existence. The corporate existence of New Life Assembly shall survive this merger and continue thereafter as the surviving corporation and its identity, existence, purposes, powers, objects, rights and immunities shall continue unaffected and unimpaired by the merger. The corporate identity, existence, purposes, powers, objects, rights and immunities of The Assembly of God Church of Holdrege, Nebraska shall be wholly merged into New Life Assembly and on the merger date, the separate existence of The Assembly of God Church of Holdrege, Nebraska shall cease. The surviving nonprofit corporation shall be responsible and liable for all the liabilities and obligations of each of the nonprofit corporations and neither the rights of creditors nor any liens upon the property of either nonprofit corporation shall be impaired by the merger.
- Conversion of Members. Upon the occurrence of the merger, every member of The Assembly of God Church of Holdrege, Nebraska may become a member of New Life Assembly upon completion of the New Life Assembly membership process.
Resolution #2: “Bylaw Amendment: Membership Terminology, Responsibilities, and Processes”
Whereas, it is necessary to bring clearer language to the church’s Constitution and Bylaws regarding the meaning and responsibilities of church membership; And
Whereas, the General Council of the Assemblies of God has made recommendations to update our Bylaws, bringing clear explanations of processes and definitions, to include the sections on church membership/partnership and revisions to verbiage, with allowances for modification of the term “member”, and have provided recommendations that have been included in this resolution; And
Whereas, a modern interpretation of the term “member” may elicit a sense of rights due a member rather than a Biblical model of personal investment and an interdependent collaboration among believers in a local church; And
Whereas the terms “partner” and “partnership” more accurately describes the cooperative nature among followers of Christ in a local church who work together to grow spiritually, steward God’s gifts, rescue the lost, and build God’s Kingdom; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That this church’s Bylaws, Article III Membership, which reads:
Section 1. The standard of membership. The standard of membership of this assembly shall be:
a. Evidence of a genuine experience in regeneration (the new birth) (John 1:12,13, 3:3-8; 1 Peter 1:18-25).
b. Evidence of a consistent Christian life. (Romans 6:4, 8:1-4, 13:13,14; Ephesians 4:17-32, 5:1,2,15; 1 John 1:6,7).
c. To fully subscribe to the tenets of faith as set forth in the constitution.
d. Willingness to contribute regularly to the support of the assembly according to his or her ability.
Section 2. Reception of members.
- Persons desiring to become active members of the assembly shall attend and complete in full the membership course.
- The pastor shall present the names of those who apply for membership with his recommendation to the board of deacons, who shall act upon said recommendation and render a final decision. All persons who shall have met the membership requirements and have been passed on favorably shall be received into the assembly and their names inscribed on the roster.
Section 3. Discipline.
a. Any member of the assembly who shall willfully absent himself from the regular services for a period of three consecutive months, or who shall be under charges, shall be temporarily suspended from active voting membership pending investigation and final decision in his case.
b. Unscriptural conduct or doctrinal departure from the tenets of faith held by this assembly shall be considered sufficient grounds upon which any person may be disqualified as a member. (Matthew 18:15-18; Romans 16:17,18; 1 Corinthians 5:11; Galatians 1:8,9; Titus 3:1-15).
Section 4. Members in good standing who wish to sever or resign their membership with the assembly should apply to the secretary in writing, which shall be granted on the approval of the pastor and board of deacons.
Section 5. The lead pastor and board of deacons shall be authorized to revise the membership roll of the assembly and to remove from the list of active members names of those who may have become deceased, those who have relocated or have otherwise requested to be removed from membership, those who do not renew their annual membership commitment, together with the names of those who have fallen into sin and whose lives may have become inconsistent with the standards and teachings of the assembly. An appeal may be made to the board for reconsideration within 90 days of notification. (Matthew 18:15-17; Romans 16:17,18; 1 Corinthians 5:1-5; 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15).
Be amended in its entirety to read:
Partnership in this church shall be open to all those who give evidence of their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and who voluntarily subscribe to its tenets of faith and agree to be governed by its Bylaws as herein set forth.
Section 1. Partner Responsibilities
- Pray regularly for the church and its leadership and ministries (Ephesians 6:18; 2 Thessalonians 1:11–12).
- Contribute to the life and health of the church by regularly attending services in-person, serving in ministries, being engaged in Biblical community, and assisting in outreach efforts (Acts 1:8; Romans 12:3–8; Hebrews 10:24–25; Hebrews 10:24-25; 1 Peter 4:10).
- Support the church financially through tithes (1 Corinthians 16:2; 2 Corinthians 9:6–15).
- Participate in partner meetings to receive reports, vote on matters placed before the partners, and ratify or elect qualified individuals to serve (Acts 6:1–7).
- Protect the unity of the church by resolving disagreements, misunderstandings, and conflicts as outlined in the Scriptures (Mathew 18:15–17; 1 Corinthians 1:10).
- Familiarize themselves with the church’s spiritual vision, and strive to live out the church’s mission, values, Bylaws, policies, and procedures (Isaiah 30:8; Habakkuk 2:2).
- Fulfill other responsibilities specifically reserved for partners in the Bylaws (Ecclesiastes 4:9–12).
Section 2. Active Voting Partners
All persons who qualify for partnership shall constitute the legal voting partnership of the church, providing they are living and eighteen (18) years of age or over, who are maintaining a consistent Christian testimony, who are in agreement with our tenets of faith, who regularly attend (as determined by church board and/or policy) and financially support the church, and who renew their partnership commitment annually by December 31st each year, which is required to maintain partnership status for the following calendar year.
Section 3. Partnership Process
Those seeking partnership in this church shall complete the partnership course, after which they may submit an application for partnership, which is then reviewed for approval by the lead pastor and Official Board. All details of such partnership processes shall be part of the church policy, process, or operational manual, as approved by the lead pastor and Official Board.
Section 4. Honorary Partners/Non-Active Partners
Honorary partners shall consist of those partners who have entered the ministry as Assemblies of God officials, pastors, evangelists, missionaries, religious educators, or those serving in the armed services, making it impossible to serve as active partners. Honorary partnership recognition shall continue as long as the partner requests it and maintains a consistent Christian life, remains sound in doctrine, and maintains a cooperative attitude toward the home church.
Section 5. Review of Partnership
The partnership roster shall, at minimum, be reviewed sixty (60) days prior to the annual partner meeting. The pastor and the Official Board, working together, shall be authorized to revise the partnership roll of the church, and to remove from the list of active partners all names of those who have deceased during the year, those who do not renew their annual partnership commitment, together with the names of those who may have been removed from partnership as noted in the following provisions.
Section 6. Inactive Status/Expulsion/Loss of Partnership
Partners who shall, without good cause, absent themselves from the in-person services of this church for three (3) consecutive months or more or who may be out of harmony with its teachings or who shall be under charges of misconduct or who may have fallen away from the faith, or who do not renew their annual partnership commitment, shall by implementation of the lead pastor and Official Board, and by action so stated in the minutes, be automatically placed on inactive partnership status (in other words, become a nonvoting partner) and shall lose any legal standing associated with partnership until such time as the affected partner’s case has become final either by the partner’s own inaction, or if a review is initiated (by the partner), after the case has been fully reviewed by the Official Board. Examples of the above reasons for being placed on inactive status include, but are not limited, to the following: (1) departure from the tenets of faith as delineated in Constitution, Article IV; (2) living a sinful life and refusing to change (Galatians 5:19–21; Ephesians 5:3–7; 2 Thessalonians 3:6,10); and (3) engaging in the disruption of fellowship by sowing discord; showing a noncooperative attitude, persisting in gossip; or creating trouble in general (Proverbs 6:19; Romans 2:1–3; James 2:2–12).
- Notice of Inactive Status: Notice of inactive status and the reasons therefore shall be sent via mail to the affected partner’s last known address as noted in the church files or by electronic means. It shall be each partner’s responsibility to keep the church secretary notified of his or her current address and/or email address. Receipt of said notice shall be presumed on the third day following the letter being posted or electronic message sent.
- Review: Partnership in this church is an ecclesiastical matter and is subject to the biblical mandates reflected in this document. An individual placed on inactive status or removed from partnership may ask for a review and be granted the opportunity to further explain (within seven days of notification) their reasons for inactivity or any other reason given by the Official Board for inactive status or removal from the partnership roster. Such information shall be reviewed by the Official Board to render their decision in the matter, and such decision shall be final, without the right of appeal. The affected partner has no right to legal action or the presence of an attorney during any review of partnership.
- Removal: If reinstatement is not granted, the affected person shall immediately be removed from partnership in this church and have no further right to appeal or redress in this church, the civil courts, or elsewhere.
And, be it further
Resolved, That the Secretary is empowered to update all other sections of this church’s bylaws by replacing the terms ‘member’, ‘members’, ‘member’s’, and ‘membership’ with the corresponding terms ‘partner’, ‘partners’, ‘partner’s’, and ‘partnership’.”
Resolution #3: “Constitutional Amendment: Terminology Alignment”
Whereas, a Bylaw resolution has been brought before the voting constituency of this church in consideration for adoption prior to this resolution, which would necessitate an amendment for Constitution and Bylaws alignment; be it
Resolved, That this church’s Constitution, Article VI Membership, which reads:
Section 1. Membership Eligibility
Membership in this assembly shall be open to all those who give evidence of their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and who voluntarily subscribe to its tenets of faith and agree to be governed by its constitution and bylaws as herein set forth.
Section 2. Voting Membership
All those who meet the scriptural standards for membership, whose names appeared on the original membership roll of the assembly at the time the assembly was first organized, together with those names that shall be added from time to time, shall constitute the legal voting membership of the assembly, provided they are 18 years of age or over, that they regularly attend and take part in the services, that they are living consistent Christian lives and are in agreement with our distinctive testimony, and renew their membership commitment annually by December 31st each year, which is required to maintain membership status for the following calendar year. The annual membership commitment renewal period opens during the final quarter of the year.
Membership shall be available for young people under 18 years of age who give evidence of the new birth, having received Christ as personal Savior, and who meet the usual qualifications for membership established by this assembly. They shall have voting privileges at 18 years of age.
Section 3. Inactive Membership
Enrolled members who shall without good cause absent themselves from the services of the assembly for a period of three consecutive months or more, or who cease to contribute of their means to its support, or who may be out of harmony with its teachings, or who shall be under charges of misconduct, or who may have fallen under condemnation through sinful or worldly practices, or who do not renew their membership commitment, shall be considered as inactive members and shall lose their voting privileges until they are restored to the fellowship, their standing to be settled by the definite action of the assembly through its elected officers.
Section 4. Honorary Members
Honorary members shall consist of those members who have entered the ministry as district officers, pastors, evangelists, missionaries, religious educators, those serving in the Armed Services, or those physically unable to attend making it impossible to serve as active members. Honorary membership recognition shall continue as long as the member maintains a consistent Christian life, remains sound in doctrine, and maintains a cooperative attitude toward the home assembly. Honorary members are not part of the voting assembly.
Membership in this church shall be open to all those who give evidence of their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and who voluntarily subscribe to its tenets of faith and agree to be governed by its Bylaws as herein set forth.
Be amended in its entirety to read:
Section 1. Partnership Eligibility
Partnership in this church shall be open to all those who give evidence of their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and who voluntarily subscribe to its tenets of faith and agree to be governed by its constitution and bylaws as herein set forth.
Section 2. Voting Partner
All those who meet the scriptural standards for partnership, whose names appeared on the original membership roll of the church at the time the church was first organized, together with those names that shall be added from time to time, shall constitute the legal voting partnership of the church, provided they are 18 years of age or over, that they regularly attend and take part in the services, that they are living consistent Christian lives and are in agreement with our distinctive testimony, and renew their partner commitment annually by December 31st each year, which is required to maintain partner status for the following calendar year. The annual partner commitment renewal period opens during the final quarter of the year.
Section 3. Inactive Partner
Partners who shall without good cause absent themselves from the services of the church for a period of three consecutive months or more, or who cease to contribute of their means to its support, or who may be out of harmony with its teachings, or who shall be under charges of misconduct, or who may have fallen under condemnation through sinful or worldly practices, or who do not renew their partner commitment, shall be considered as inactive members and shall lose their voting privileges until they are restored to active status, their standing to be settled by the definite action of the church through its elected officers.
Section 4. Honorary Partners
Honorary partners shall consist of those members who have entered the ministry as Assembly of God network or national officers, pastors, evangelists, missionaries, religious educators, those serving in the Armed Services, or those physically unable to attend making it impossible to serve as active partners. Honorary partnership recognition shall continue as long as the partner maintains a consistent Christian life, remains sound in doctrine, and maintains a cooperative attitude toward the home church. Honorary partners are not part of the voting partner roster.
And, be it further
Resolved, That the Secretary is empowered to update all other sections of this church’s constitution by replacing the terms ‘member’, ‘members’, ‘member’s’, and ‘membership’ with the corresponding terms ‘partner’, ‘partners’, ‘partner’s’, and ‘partnership’.”