Following Jesus
Following Jesus
Following Jesus
New Life's Following Jesus Groups you are equipped wth the 7 essentials to knowing and following Jesus.
• Prayer & Worship
• The Bible
• Water Baptism
• The Holy Spirit
• Church Community
• Sharing Your Faith
• Loving People
These groups are for any youth or adult who is new in their faith or just wants to learn what it means to follow Jesus. These groups are open to join at any time.
Participating in the Following Jesus group is a great way to meet people in the church, make new friends, feel completely safe asking any question and feel supported and encouraged in your spiritual journey.
We invite you to join one of our in-person Following Jesus groups or go through our online course.
Following Jesus Groups:
Kearney Campus:
Group meets every Sunday at the Kearney Campus during the second service from 10:00am - 11:15am
North Platte Campus:
Group meets every Sunday at the North Platte Campus during the second service from 11:00am - 12:15pm
Ogallala Campus:
Group meets every Thursday at the Ogallala Campus from 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Holdrege Campus:
Group meets every Sunday at the Holdrege Campus before the service from 9:00am - 9:50am
Online Campus:
Take the online course from anywhere at any time!