Kingdom Builders
Kingdom Builders
Kingdom Builders
Through Kingdom Builders, New Life will lean in with audacious faith to see
more people find Jesus and lives changed in 2024!
2024 Projects
As you give through Kingdom Builders in 2024, you are helping to fund Global Missions, Local Church Expansion, and Future Christian Leaders.
View our complete 2024 project guide below.
Global Missions
Our missionaries serve throughout the world, starting in the rural setting of Nebraska, to the inner cities of America.
• Rural Wisconsin Community Chaplains
Missionaries Peter and Wilma Akright are focused on rural church planting and development in Central Wisconsin.
• Wales: Church Plant and At-Risk Kids
Missionaries Bryan and Misty Elliott are planting churches across Wales and training churches to host Starfish KIDS camps for British children in foster care.
• Ukraine Church Planting
Supporting Curtis and Teresa as they strive for their vision of a church plant among every people group in Eurasia.
• Central Asia Muslim Outreach
Missionaries JJ and Jessica are planting churches in rural Muslim communities in Central Asia by meeting physical and spiritual needs through agricultural development.
• Ogallala Campus Misionary
We are reaching and discipling the lost in the Ogallala area through our campus missionaries, Wes and Kim Harmon.
• Ecuador Hope House
The Hope House serves as a home for over 60 high-risk girls from age eight through high school graduation. They provide food, shelter, clothing, transportation, discipleship, life skills training, medial attention and other support for their success.
• Project Rescue
This international ministry rescues and restores victims of sex trafficking through the love and power of Jesus Christ. Tens of thousands of women and children across ten countries have been impacted.
• Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge
We install in our New Life Kids a heart of compassion for the lost as they give to BGMC. These funds are used by missionaries around the world to fund ministry supplies that relate to evanglism.
• France Church Planting
Manual and Tina Prabhudas are planting churches, training new pastors, and ministering to prisoners and refugees across France.
• Convoy of Hope Disaster Services
COH is consistently among the first to respond to disasters throughout the world. Millions of survivors have been helped thanks to this ministry.
• Convoy of Hope Women’s Empowerment
COH encourages women around the world to realize their value and reach their potential through job training and education. Many enrolled in the program now own a business that allows them to better care for their children.
• Jungle Missionaries in Ecuador
Joil and Leah Marbut have served in the jungles of Ecuador for over 20 years planting churches and reaching the unreached. Through the Ecuador Hope House, orphaned and at risk girls find a home and are discipled. Joil and Leah empower church planters through Bible college education and are focused on planting an additional 100 churches in the next 10 years.
• Cuba Church Planting and Bible College
Through church planting, small groups, evangelism and empowering church planters and pastors through Global University, Daniel is a strategic Kingdom Builders partner making a huge Kingdom impact in Cuba.
• Global (online) Campus and Missionary
Our online campus is reaching people locally and around the world for Jesus! The investments made to continue improving and growing the reach of our online campus will reap a harvest for generations to come.
• Future Campus Missionary
We are positioning ourselves to be ready to send out a campus missionary when God provides the next opportunity for additional New Life campuses.
• Asia Pacific Outreach
Solomon and Lori are reaching the lost, planting churches where there are none, training new ministers and serving the poor and needy in Asia Pacific.
• Eurasia Muslim Outreach
Supporting LIVE DEAD missionaries, Dustin and Amy, in reaching Muslims and deploying missionaries into some of the least reach Muslim areas.
• Middle East Church Planting
LIVE DEAD missionaries, Travis and Kari, mobilize, mentor and deploy church planting teams in the Arab Middle East.
• Estonia Church Planting
Supporting Nick and Olivia Puccini as they strive for their vision of a church plant among every people group in Eurasia.
• El Salvador Outreach and Gang Ministry
The El Salvador Rehabilitation Center ministers to gang members coming out of prison to help them start a different life and change their direction.
• Central Eurasia Church Planting
Caleb and Toktam are LIVE DEAD missionaries serving in Central Eurasia with the vision to plant churches among the Turkmen people group.
• Builders International
Brad and Shelly Foltz coordinate construction teams to build churches, primarily across Honduras.
• India Outreach
Missionaries Tim and Karla operate two schools for 900 under-privileged students and oversee centers for at-risk girls and single mothers.
• Speed the Light
This mission provides much-needed vehicles and equipment for missionaries to carry out their evangelism around the globe.
• North Africa Underground Church
Gyula and Amie work with underground churches and are operating a school to create an open door for Christian teachers to nurture Muslim children.
• Convoy of Hope Agriculture
Feeding children nutritious meals opens doors to provide them and their families with education and a sense of hope. COH is helping to feed more than 380,000 children around the world.
• Convoy of Hope Rural Compassion
Through this initiative, COH resources and partners with rural churches through training, mentoring and coaching.
• Convoy of Hope Feeding Program
Feeding children nutritious meals opens doors to provide them and their families with education and a sense of hope. COH is helping to feed more than 300,000 children around the world.
• Operation Christmas Child
The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world by filling shoeboxes with toys, school supplies, hygiene items and a presentation of the Gospel. New Life will sponsor 650 boxes in 2022.
• GO Trips
New Life is partnering with some of our missionaries to provide Global Outreach Trip opportunities.
Never been on a foreign GO Trip? We encourage you to participate in one of these trips. Through Kingdom Builders, we offer scholarships to financially assist those going on their first trip.
• Cuba Women’s Teen Challenge Center
Support for the Cuba Women’s Teen Challenge Center helps provide at-risk girls with the necessary housing, physical care and spiritual discipleship.
Local Church Expansion
The local church is the hope of the world, and God is building His Kingdom on the strength of that hope.
• Local Church Ministry Tools
As we continue to expand and update ministry at each of our campuses, the funding of ministry tools is needed to maximize our impact.
• Community Outreach
We want everyone in our local communities to be presented with the opportunity to hear the Gospel message. We will use a variety of local outreach efforts in the Kearney, North Platte and Ogallala areas to introduce people to the love of Jesus and the community of believers at New Life!
• Todd Becker Foundation
The Todd Becker Foundation was started following the death of 18 year-old Todd Becker, who was killed in an alcohol-related car accident in 2005. Since its inception, the foundation ministry has visited over 500 public high schools, reaching nearly 100,000 students with their message that challenges students to take the narrow road in their journey through life.
• Rural Church Outreach
New Life will be assisting a rural church in Nebraska. This is one way we can encourage another congregation and let them know they are not alone in reaching the lost and making disciples in their rural region of our state.
• Royal Family KIDS Camp
A Christ-centered ministry for abused, abandoned and neglected children in the foster care system. We are sending ten kids to camp for a week where they will experience the love of Jesus.
• Jubilee Center – Kearney
The Jubilee Center offers supportive services in the Kearney area for food, clothing, rent, utilities and medication assistance. Our financial and volunteer support assists the Jubilee Center in providing their clients the social, economic, financial and spiritual tools necessary to become active participants in the community.
• Church Multiplication Network
New Life is proud to support the Church Multiplication Network of the Assemblies of God USA to see a Spirit-empowered, healthy church in every community in the nation. Since its inception, CMN has aided in the training of more than 7,500 leaders and in facilitating the launch of more than 4,000 new Assemblies of God churches. CMN has also worked with the AGTrust to distribute matching funds to nearly 600 churches – with more than $18 million distributed.
• Collage
The Collage Center of Kearney and Grand Island is a place where those facing the reality of an STD, an unexpected pregnancy, or a struggle with a past pregnancy decision can begin to discover hope and help.
• Urban Church Outreach
Equipping and funding the ministry of urban churches to assist them in meeting the physical and spiritual needs of the people God has called them to reach.
• Urban Church Outreach
Equipping and funding the ministry of urban churches to assist them in meeting the physical and spiritual needs of the people God has called them to reach.
• New Life City Care Counseling
CityCare Counseling is a ministry of New Life Church and provides professional Christian Counseling and mental health therapy to individuals, couples and families. There are people in our communities who are not able to pay for the counseling services they need. Through Kingdom Builders you are helping to meet these needs.
• Compass
A faith-based organization that walks alongside children and families in central and southwestern NE with foster care services.
• Future New Life Campus
Key to accomplishing our cause of seeing people find Jesus and lives changed is through the planting of additional New Life campuses in rural hubs across the MidWest. We are positioning ourselves to be ready when God provides the next opportunity.
• Crossroads Mission – Kearney
A Christ-centered local mission that provides a four-phase program of recovery to homeless men, women and children. Crossroads provides free food, shelter and clothing to their guests while they are completing the program.
• Salvation Army – Ogallala
Changing lives in the Ogallala area through providing food, clothing, housing services and assistance with a variety of needs.
• New Life Servant Projects
As a Kingdom Builder, you are helping to fund projects to meet local needs in Kearney, North Platte and Ogallala.
• Deborah’s Legacy
The mission of Legacy is to provide rent-free housing, support and educational opportunities for women faced with homelessness. Legacy’s residential program in North Platte provides long-term secure housing as a haven from the social, psychological and economic factors that drive women to desperate means.
• GLS Rural Pastor Scholarship
We will assist rural pastors in growing their influence for Kingdom impact by providing scholarships for rural pastors to attend the Global Leadership Summit at one of our campuses.
• Women’s Resource Center
A confidential, supportive program in North Platte that assists women experiencing an unplanned pregnancy.
• Church Boom
Church Boom’s mission it to offer financial assistance, free ministry leadership conferences, coaching and more to struggling and declining churches nationwide.
Future Christian Leaders
New Life Church wants to come alongside the next generation of Christian leaders to empower,
inspire, and equip them to fulfill God’s call.
• Vocational Ministry College Freshmen
We have a passion to equip, empower and train the next generation to fill ministry roles. We are providing grants to college freshmen who are pursuing vocational ministry degrees.
• Fire Bibles For Prisoners
Fire Bibles are sent to hundreds of prisoners and chaplains every year throughout the United States. As Kingdom Builders, you are bringing the light of God’s Word into dark places.
• Faith Christian School
Helping children grow spiritually, academically, physically and socially to prepare them as leaders with a solid foundation.
• Vision Nebraska
Each year hundreds of children and youth come to one of our network’s church camps and have a profound spiritual experience. We will invest into the The Crossing campgrounds to preserve this experience for many generations to come.
• GLS Future Christian Leaders Scholarship
We will invest into future Christian leaders by providing scholarships to attend the premiere leadership event of the year, The Global Leadership Summit.
• Calibrate Ministries: LGBTQ Outreach
Brady and Mary Cone equip churches to better reach the LGBT community and minister to those who struggle with same-sex attraction and to families affected.
• Teen Reach
National Directors, Will and Angela Prusia, develop and oversee camps and mentoring programs across the country for teens in foster care.
• University of Central Arkansas Ministry
Matt and Kiki Carpenter serve as Chi Alpha missionaries to reach and equip college students on the campus.
• Angelo State University Ministry
Samuel and Natalie Kinnin serve as Chi Alpha missionaries to reach and equip college students on the campus.
• First-Time Global Outreach Participants
Lives have been permanently changed while on a GO Trip. Through this fund, we will help support the cost of a foreign trip for first-time participants.
• Cuba University
We are excited for the spread of the Gospel in Cuba through the educating of new Cuban pastors. We are sponsoring four students for one year of schooling.
• Sheepgate
Sheepgate (Adult and Teen Challenge) assists people in gaining freedom from chemical addictions and other life-controlling problems by addressing their physical, emotional and spiritual needs.
• YouVersion Bible Translation
Currently, there are more than 2,500 Bible versions in over 1,700 languages in YouVersion with the goal of seeing everyone having access to at least a portion of Scripture by the year 2033. Our financial contribution will support YouVersion’s Bible translation goal.
• Ministry Bootcamp
Through our annual Ministry Bootcamp, we are able to equip and provide training for individuals who sense a call to full-time ministry.
• Global University India
Global University India is an independent study and distance education school that provides various programs and types of Christian instruction for students.
• JÓVENES CON FUTURO (Youth with a Future)
Investing in emerging Christian national leaders in Latin America to strengthen and expand the impact of the local church through resourcing young national Christian leaders in the pursuit of the education necessary to fulfill their unique God-given calling.
• North Omaha Youth Outreach
As the Campus Life Director at Northwest High School in Omaha, Edward King is sharing the Gospel with youth through pep rallies, Bible studies, small groups and personal discipleship.
Help Us Reach The Goal
2024 Kingdom Builders Goal
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Make Your 2024 Kingdom Builder Commitment
At New Life, we believe that every Christ-follower is called to be obedient and tithe (10%) on their full income to their local church. Kingdom Builders is above and beyond our tithe, and is generous and sacrificial giving that God lays on our heart to change the world.
Be a 2024 Kingdom Builder! Fill out this year’s commitment at the link below.
Together, we will see more people find Jesus than we could ever do alone!