New Life Kids

Helping Kids Know and Love God

Weekend Worship

We love kids and do our best to help your children have a blast learning about Jesus! Each age group has specifically designed environments that are safe, fun, and interactive. New Life Kids is committed to partnering with parents to raise the next generation to know and love God!


Students in Kindergarten through 5th grade who attend New Life Kids’ weekend services have a blast learning God’s Word and making amazing friendships.

Family Nights

A fun service once a month for the whole family designed to help you grow together in your faith and character to be the family God has called you to be! Click the “Events Page” button for information on our next service!

Upcoming Events

Check our events page for our upcoming Kids Night In/Parents Night Out. These evenings are great connection nights for our families while your children are cared for at New Life with fun, themed nights! Please register kids ahead of time so we can be prepared to make it an amazing evening.


How do I know my child is safe?
What age does my child need to be to attend?
What should I expect?
How do I check in my child?

Being a part of the New Life Kids team is a blast! We are followers of Jesus with a desire to see the next generation grow up knowing and loving God! We’d love to get you connected to a great spot for you.

See what your kids are learning about this month, and get involved!

Pre-Register my child

To make checkin fast and simple.